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Meet QuoData at annual AOAC meeting and PT Conf 2013

In the upcoming month, QuoData will be represented at two events with its main focus on proficiency tests.

Catch us up, from 25-28 August on the annual AOAC Meeting 2013 in Chicago.

Every year the AOAC, which is focusing on the development of international norms and standards, organizes a meeting where scientists from industry, public institutions and universities can exchange.

Dr. Steffen Uhlig, scientific head of QuoData, will give a presentation on „German methods for comparison of analytical methods and estimation of precision data from proficiency test data“ within the context of the scientific session named „New Ideas in Statistical Methods for Method Validation: Designs and Analyses“.

Download the abstract here.

Besides that you can visit the QuoData booth in the foyer and talk to our staff.


From 18-20 September, QuoData is exhibiting at PTConf in Brasov, Romania.

The main priority of this international event is the exchange of knowledge and idea between scientists, academics, heads of laboratories and managers from various branches like chemistry, electrical engineering, and food or environment on the main topic proficiency tests.

Christian Bläul, head of QuoData software dept. will give a presentation on 18. September on „Software for Qualitative Test Results: Assessment of Method Quality and Participant Proficiency” during the conference.

Download the abstract here.


The center of his presentation is the assessment of qualitative proficiency tests. Until now, there are no particular mandatory standards available for that purpose. Within the presentation some basic approaches for qualitative proficiency testing, inter alia published by QuoData, will be discussed. Furthermore, some examples from experience will be visualized with the assistance of our software PROLab. For your further questions we are available at our booth in the in the aula.


Visit QuoData on the upcoming events and get to know our products and services.

You can get further information on events of QuoData here.
