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Strengthen your knowledge and gain know-how about method validation with the experts of QuoData

Quality assurance officers and scientist that want to broaden their knowledge of method validation and want to exchange with experts should consider joining QuoData’s upcoming InterVAL workshop.

The InterVAL workshop is designed for those who want to increase their understanding of in-house method validation, verification and utilization of the QuoData software InterVAL.

The 2-day workshop focusses on how to design studies and their evaluation based on the requirements of ISO 11843, DIN 32645 and EC CD657/2002. As part of the workshop, participants prepare validation studies, evaluate them with the InterVAL software and become familiar with the underlying statistics.

Dates: 27 - 28 November, 2019 in Dresden (Language: German)


Registration is available here

For more information see QuoData's InterVAL Workshop 2019 Flyer.
