PROLab_HUB Web Portal
PROLab_HUB - the web-based portal for proficiency test providers
Proficiency test providers looking for a professional web-based portal will cherish PROLab_HUB.
Your benefits of using PROLab_HUB:
- professional, secure and validated web-based solution with audit trail – ISO 17043 compliant
- collect results online, publish reports with one click, and stay in touch with your participants
- manage enrollment and participant data efficiently with PROLab_HUB

PROLab_HUB is QuoData’s customizable software-as-a-service solution for independent PT providers.
PROLab_HUB is expandable, robust and QuoData takes care of all the technical infrastructure while your data and schemes stays with you. Manage your interlaboratory comparisons and collect data online with a customizable portal for proficiency test providers.
PROLab_HUB is also suitable for collaborative studies in method validation.
QuoData is ISO/IEC 17043 accredited
QuoData is an accredited proficiency testing provider with German DAkkS according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17043:2010

How do QuoData customers use web applications for their interlaboratory studies and PTs?
Read our case study on the use of Integrated BioBank of Luxembourg (IBBL)
IBBL (Integrated BioBank of Luxembourg) is an independent, not-for-profit Luxembourg-based biobank dedicated to improving health outcomes for patients. IBBL offers biobanking services in compliance with international standards, including the collection, processing, analysis and storage of biological samples. In addition, IBBL carries out regular biospecimen research. The mission of IBBL is to provide high-quality biospecimens and data, foster scientific excellence, catalyse partnerships and support research.
IBBL provides a Proficiency Testing (PT) Program which allows laboratories working with biospecimens to compare their performance to that of other expert laboratories. Participating laboratories can assess the accuracy, precision and efficiency of their biospecimen characterization methods (DNA quantification and purity, RNA integrity, cell viability, tissue histology) or nucleic acid extraction methods (DNA/RNA from whole blood or FFPE cells).
In order to carry out the interlaboratory study tests, the IBBL relies on online data entry of QuoData for data exchange and communication with the participating laboratories. This simplifies the upload and transmission of the participants' data. The web application enables the use of PT test specific surveys and flexible online or offline payment options. For seamless implementation, QuoData has adapted the appearance to fit the IBBL website.
Additionally, IBBL makes use of PROLab for the organization, analysis and reporting of PT schemes.