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The determination of pharmaceuticals in wastewater using a recombinant Arxula adeninivorans whole cell biosensor

The determination of pharmaceuticals in wastewater using a recombinant Arxula adeninivorans whole cell biosensor

Pham, Ha Thi Minh; Giersberg, Martin; Gehrmann, Linda; Hettwer, Karina; Tuerk, Jochen; Uhlig, Steffen et al. (2015)

Published in:

Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (211), p. 439–448

Robust estimation of between and within laboratory standard deviation with measurement results below the detection limit

Robust estimation of between and within laboratory standard deviation with measurement results below the detection limit

Uhlig, Steffen (2015)

Published in:

In: Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit (10), p. 385–391

Messunsicherheit für Verfahren zum Vollzug und zur Weiterentwicklung der Bundes-Bodenschutz- und Altlastenverordnung

Messunsicherheit für Verfahren zum Vollzug und zur Weiterentwicklung der Bundes-Bodenschutz- und Altlastenverordnung

Uhlig, Steffen; Baldauf, Henning (2015)

Published in:

Hg. v. Umweltbundesamt. Fachbereich für Bodenuntersuchungen

Mathematical-statistical procedure for determining the concentration-dependent probability of detection of qualitative chemical methods on the basis of interlaboratory study data.

Mathematical-statistical procedure for determining the concentration-dependent probability of detection of qualitative chemical methods on the basis of interlaboratory study data.

Uhlig, Simon; Simon, Kirsten; Frost, Kirstin (2015)

Published in:

Hg. v.  QuoData GmbH

availabe upon request

Validation of qualitative PCR methods on the basis of mathematical–statistical modelling of the probability of detection

Validation of qualitative PCR methods on the basis of mathematical–statistical modelling of the probability of detection

Uhlig, Steffen; Frost, Kirstin; Colson, Bertrand; Simon, Kirsten; Mäde, Dietrich; Reiting, Ralf et al. (2015)

Published in:

Accreditation and Quality Assurance 20 (2), p. 75–83

A Statement Against Pegida - for an Open-minded Dresden

Update: On 10 January the city of Dresden and Saxony host a demonstration as a statement for open-mindedness and humanity.  

It is with great concern that we have observed the events unfolding in Dresden over the past few weeks: Several thousand people have taken part in demonstrations organized by the Pegida movement.
