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The international PROLab community meets once again at QuoData - Interlaboratory studies workshop 2015

An important aspect of QuoData’s work involves providing professional training for those involved in proficiency testing, quality and statistics. As part of this, QuoData will hold its workshop for the Evaluation of Interlaboratory Studies from 23 -25 September, 2015. Workshops are just one aspect of QuoData’s regular provision of training sessions, webinars and in-house events.


Jährlicher internationaler Workshop für die Auswertung von Ringversuchen in Englischer Sprache in Vorbereitung


Providers of interlaboratory studies can look forward to November’s bi-annual QuoData Workshop for the evaluation of interlaboratory studies. The workshop outline is now available online and details all topics covered for the 3 day event.


The English workshop for the evaluation of interlaboratory studies will be held this year from 12-14 November at QuoData in Dresden, Germany. Participants are invited to attend all sessions and days, but are also welcome to select the days which they are most interested in.



QuoData Presents: “Qualitative PT data analysis with easy-to-interpret scores” at the 2014 EURACHEM PT Workshop in Berlin

QuoData will be attending the 8th EURACHEM Proficiency Testing (PT) Workshop in Berlin this fall. During this four day event from 6-9 October, QuoData will present a new approach for the evaluation of qualitative PT data. Attendees can also expect to see QuoData as exhibitors during this EURACHEM conference.



PROLab Workshop 2012

24 August | PROLab workshop 2012

Our annual PROLab workshop is taking place in September. Users and anyone else who is interested will have the opportunity to get to know our software for the evaluation of interlaboratory studies.

The relevant background statistics, current developments in standards as well as case studies will also be discussed during the workshop.
